Confronting the harm: Documenting the prostitution experiences and impacts on health and wellbeing of women accessing the Health Service Executive Women’s Health Service
Female researchers are more read and less cited because they more often engage in research for societal progress
CDC’s National Violent Death Reporting System Helps Tell the Story of Homicides of American Indian and Alaska Native People
Between tradition and innovation: What must change and what mustn’t in the face of disasters and climate change?
Medicare: Information on the Transition to Alternative Payment Models by Providers in Rural, Health Professional Shortage, or Underserved Areas
Provider collaboration review: Mental health care of children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cocaine and Psychostimulant-involved Overdose Deaths Disproportionately Affect Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups
Poland introduces Deadly Policy against Migrants and Refugees in a Midst of a Political Conflict: A Report from the Polish-Belarusian Border
European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities: Position Paper on the EU Care Strategy
Response plan to control and manage the threat of multi-and extensively drug-resistant gonorrhoea in Europe
Spending from Filling the Medicaid Coverage Gap Would Outweigh Cuts in Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments