Over recent years, expectations for bystanders to intervene to interrupt or prevent domestic violence have increased. However, the extent of these expectations and the ways in which bystanders are supported to uphold these expectations remain ambiguous. Drawing on a scoping review methodology, this study aims to map the bystander expectations and advice contained in government policies and community resources across eight countries.
We conducted a grey-literature search to identify the three most recent and relevant policy documents from each country, as well as the three most easily-accessible online community resources. We charted key information from each policy and resource, including type of violence and level of prevention; responsibility to intervene and effectiveness of bystander intervention; recognition of danger; and recommended bystander actions.
The results indicate that the government policies and community resources included in the review held high expectations for bystanders to intervene in domestic violence. However, the information provided on how to safely and effectively intervene was inconsistent in its recognition of the risk posed to bystanders, and often offered contradictory advice.
An examination of our findings within the context of existing evidence suggests that there are severe limitations to the messages and information presented by the policies and resources. As a matter of urgency, more empirical research is needed to inform the government policies and community resources that encourage bystanders to intervene in domestic violence.