“Bringing a pack of diapers to a home builds trust because it sends a message that I see you, I see your need.”
—Alyson Jacobson, Director of Home Visiting Services, Prince George’s Child Resource Center
One in three families in the United States struggles to provide clean diapers for their babies. To alleviate the health problems and economic concerns associated with diaper need, a Maryland-based home visiting program partnered with its local diaper bank. In this video produced for the National Home Visiting Resource Center, program staff across partner organizations share their experiences and how critical the partnership is to their work.
Also see our research brief on the “Role of Home Visiting in Addressing Diaper Need” for other promising strategies.
External Links:
“Addressing Diaper Need: A Partnership Story”: https://nhvrc.org/diaper-need-partnership-story/
NHVRC YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc_gZjx4IqE&t=24s
The video is available on the National Home Visiting Resource Center website. The NHVRC is led by James Bell Associates in partnership with the Urban Institute. Support is provided by the Heising-Simons Foundation and was previously provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.