Over a quarter of the world’s population makes a living farming and working on small areas of land. These smallholder farmers contribute significantly to global food supply chains, but despite this make up a large proportion of the world’s poorest people, with many living on less than $2 a day.
Between 2015 and 2020, Oxfam, Unilever and the Ford Foundation worked in close partnership on a joint initiative, the Enhancing Livelihoods Fund (ELF). The fund’s main objective was to improve the livelihoods of smallholders linked to Unilever’s extended value chains. It focused in particular on women, innovative pilots and learning.
This report highlights key results and lessons learned. It is intended for NGOs, companies and donors who have an interest in improving smallholder-based value chains, especially through multi-stakeholder partnerships between NGOs and the private sector.
The post Enhancing Livelihoods Fund: Final report appeared first on Oxfam Policy & Practice.