There is ongoing controversy regarding the borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis. Whilst the experiences of people living with BPD have been widely acknowledged, the process of receiving the diagnosis is poorly described. This systematic review aimed to synthesize the existing research exploring people’s experiences of receiving a diagnosis of BPD, as well as examining what is considered best practice in the diagnostic delivery process. The findings from 12 qualitative studies were synthesized using thematic analysis, generating two overarching themes: negative and positive experiences of receiving a diagnosis of BPD. These themes were described using the following sub‐themes: the communication of diagnosis and meaning made of it, validity around diagnosis and attitudes of others. Results indicate that there is a substantial difference between a well‐delivered and poorly delivered diagnosis. The diagnostic delivery process is fundamental to how people understand and interpret the BPD diagnosis. The way in which the BPD diagnosis is shared with people can ultimately shape their views about hope for recovery and their subsequent engagement with services. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.