A P value, or the magnitude or direction of results can influence decisions about whether, when, and how research findings are disseminated. Regardless of whether an entire study or a particular study result is unavailable because investigators considered the results to be unfavourable, bias in a meta‐analysis may occur when available results differ systematically from missing results. In this paper, we summarize the empirical evidence for various reporting biases that lead to study results being unavailable for inclusion in systematic reviews, with a focus on health research. These biases include publication bias and selective nonreporting bias. We describe processes that systematic reviewers can use to minimize the risk of bias due to missing results in meta‐analyses of health research, such as comprehensive searches and prospective approaches to meta‐analysis. We also outline methods that have been designed for assessing risk of bias due to missing results in meta‐analyses of health research, including using tools to assess selective nonreporting of results, ascertaining qualitative signals that suggest not all studies were identified, and generating funnel plots to identify small‐study effects, one cause of which is reporting bias.
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