This document provides detailed discussion guides and instructions for facilitating a 13-session course intended to teach leadership skills to teens through the lens of food literacy and advocacy. The course was developed as part of the Portland, Oregon, pilot Teen Food Program, which engaged teens, service providers, and researchers to design and then pilot a program to improve young people’s access to food. The goal of the curriculum is to help develop teen mentors and leaders that are equipped to support their peers around issues related to food equity and security. This course asks teens to grapple with concepts of identity and intersectionality, food justice, and food literacy by engaging in empowerment activities that can guide them in their personal and group goals. It is intended to be used by adult facilitators who will lead discussion sessions with small cohorts of teens (roughly 8 to 15), in diverse settings. Adult facilitators need not be embedded in any specific organization as long as they have the necessary skills and local connections.