Over two thirds of service users (68.3 per cent or 2,220) had been given major tranquiliser class drugs leading up to Census day. Of these, 93.0 per cent (2,064) had been given them on a regular basis.
Over half of the service users (56.6 per cent or 1,841) had been the subject of at least one incident involving self-harm, an accident, physical assault on the service user, hands-on restraint or seclusion during the three months preceding the Census. Proportionally, more females experienced every type of incident than males. There appears to be an association between hands-on restraint and the administration of major tranquiliser class drugs; 40.4 per cent (889) of the 2,220 given these drugs had experienced at least one instance of hands-on restraint compared to 21.4 per cent (221) of the 1,030 who were not given any of this medication.