In Ireland, the burden of alcohol related harm is often experienced by those around the drinker, be they family member,
friend, co-worker or innocent ‘bystander’. Alcohol’s harm to others (AH2O) undermines public safety and is experienced
in every community. The negative effects from other people’s drinking are visible in the public domain and can range
from the nuisance factor, feeling unsafe in public places to the violent attack by an intoxicated drinker. Physical assaults
and driving a car while under the influence of alcohol can contribute to injuries, accidents, disabilities and death of
innocent people. Although not often publically visible, alcohol’s harm to others within the family can have very serious
consequences for the safety and well-being of family members, with children being the most vulnerable. The World
Health Organisation (WHO), in its Global Strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, called for special attention to be
given to reducing harm to people other than the drinker and to populations that are at particular risk (WHO 2010). This
report examines alcohol’s harm to others in three Irish settings – the general population, in the workplace and children in
families. The information is based on self-reported responses in the national drinking surveys of 2006 and 2010, funded
by the Health Service Executive.