Behavioral Couples Therapy for Alcohol use Disorders (ABCT) is an outpatient treatment for individuals with alcohol use disorders and their intimate partners. ABCT is based on four assumptions: (1) intimate partner behaviors and couple interactions can be triggers for drinking; (2) intimate partners can reward abstinence; (3) a positive intimate relationship is a key source of motivation to change drinking behavior; and (4) reducing relationship distress lessens risk for relapse. Using cognitive-behavioral therapy, the ABCT therapist works with both the person who is abusing alcohol and his or her partner to identify and decrease the partner’s behaviors that cue or reinforce the client’s drinking; strengthen the partner’s support of the client’s efforts to change through reinforcement of positive change and the use of sobriety contracts; increase positive couple interactions through activities and assignments designed to increase positive feelings and improve constructive communication and problem-solving; and improve the client’s coping skills and relapse prevention techniques to achieve and maintain abstinence.