As part of the European review of social determinants of health and the health divide, experts were commissioned to write case studies addressing childhood and inequality. They identified promising developments with international resonance, described the issues they addressed and how they were led and put into operation, and set out the emerging evidence of their effectiveness.
This diverse collection of case studies is presented in three volumes reflecting a “life-course” approach: Volume 1 addresses the early years, with examples from Greece, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Volumes 2 and 3 address childhood and school. Some of the case studies review major national policy developments and frameworks, others deal with specific national initiatives or with local projects driven by community organizations, and a few focus on transnational initiatives. They are not necessarily a comprehensive overview of childhood and health in the WHO European Region, but provide examples of innovative practice that will inform and inspire policy-makers, practitioners, managers, educators and researchers, committed to improving the lives of children and young people at country and European levels.