The result of our commission has been a year-long inquiry and consolidation of evidence. Our 42 detailed recommendations include:
A radical overhaul of poor acute care units including better use of alternatives to admission like recovery houses to manage the transition between hospital and community services
Greater partnership and shared decision making with service users – valuing their experiences and making their preferences central to a recovery focused approach adopted by all services
Better prescribing and a right to a second opinion on medication involving, where appropriate, a specialist pharmacist
Extending general practitioner training in mental illness to improve support for those with psychosis managed by primary care
Extending the popular Early Intervention for Psychosis services (not cutting or diluting)
Increasing access to psychological therapies in line with NICE guidelines
Delivering effective physical health care to people with severe mental illness
A stronger focus on prevention including clear warnings about the risks of cannabis
Action to address inequalities and meet the needs of all disadvantaged groups
A better deal for long-term carers who should be treated as partners
Greater use of personal budgets, particularly for those with long-term care need
Psychiatrists must be extremely cautious in making a diagnosis of schizophrenia as it can generate stigma and unwarranted pessimism