Child Welfare Outcome: Child/Family Well-Being
Types of Maltreatment: Physical Abuse, Physical Neglect, Emotional Abuse, Exposure to Domestic Violence
Target Population: Youth (11-17) with drug abuse and dependence, as well as other co-existing problems.
FBT includes more than a dozen treatments including management of emergencies, treatment planning, behavioral goals, contingency management skills training, communication skills training, child management skills training, job-getting skills training, financial management, self-control, stimulus control, home safety tours, and tele-therapy to improve session attendance. Therapies are consumer-driven and culturally sensitive. FBT’s goal is to result in positive outcomes in such areas as alcohol and drug use, depression, conduct problems, family dysfunction, and days absent from work/school. FBT is designed to be used with youth, multiple ethnicities, differing types of substance abuse (alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs), and across genders. Drafts of standardized client record keeping forms and quality assurance may be customized to fit agency needs.