In Shape is a brief intervention designed to reduce drug abuse and increase positive mental and physical health outcomes among college students ages 18-25. The intervention incorporates naturally motivating social images (image prototypes of a typical peer who engages in a specific health behavior) and future self-images (images of a possible future desired self) to help young adults think about and plan positive changes in their lives. In Shape is based on the Behavior-Image Model, which asserts that positive social images and future self-images can be used to link multiple divergent health risk habits among adolescents and young adults and motivate them to effect change in multiple behaviors. Following self-regulation theory of health, this model supports the use of feedback on behaviors and self-images to facilitate goal setting for change across multiple health habits. In Shape specifically targets avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs and increases in physical activity and exercise, healthy eating, sleep, and stress management.