Homicides of American Indians/Alaska Natives in urban versus rural areas: United States National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003-2020
Effect of retirement on loneliness: a longitudinal comparative analysis across Australia, China and the USA
The chains of the past: A life course perspective on childhood adversity and organizational attitudes and behaviors.
Too depressed and anxious to speak up: The relationships between weekly fluctuations in mental health and silence at work.
Biophilia in the home–workplace: Integrating dog caregiving and outdoor access to explain teleworkers’ daily physical activity, loneliness, and job performance.
Cost–utility analysis of Social Stories™ for children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream primary schools: results from a randomised controlled trial
Virtual reality and screen relations in clinical practice – exploring co-creation, inclusivity and exclusivity
A Pilot Study of Resilience, Stress, and Well-Being in Adults With and Without Children in the Home in Ukraine
Efficacy and safety of a mineral and vitamin treatment on symptoms of antenatal depression: 12-week fully blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial (NUTRIMUM)
The psychotherapist’s persuasiveness: Relation to the working alliance and facilitative interpersonal skills.
Reframing teacher professionalism in the era of postneoliberalism: the paradox of South Korean education reform
A home-based telehealth randomized controlled trial of skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation versus present-centered therapy for women veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma.
Hidden consequences of political discourse at work: How and why ambient political conversations impact employee outcomes.
Epidemiological impact of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis screening in men having sex with men: a modelling study
Epidemiological analysis of fatal and non-fatal firearm injuries occurring in gun establishments in the United States, 2015-2022
Consequences of ‘medical exceptions in restrictive abortion legislation: caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy and beyond
The dual-process approach to human sociality: Meta-analytic evidence for a theory of internalized heuristics for self-preservation.
Correction to “The dual-process approach to human sociality: Meta-analytic evidence for a theory of internalized heuristics for self-preservation” by Capraro (2024).
Importance, quality, and engagement: School mental health providers’ perceptions regarding within-district transition care coordination practices.
Patterns of Latina mothers’ emotion-related beliefs and behaviors: Associations with consejos in the family.
Examining the role of identity development and cultural stressors in the establishment of a U.S. identity among Hispanic/Latinx college students.
PlanoUp!: A pilot program for the identification and treatment of depression for youth in low-income secondary schools.
Seeking abortion accompaniment: experiences and self-managed abortion preferences of hotline callers after abortion legalisation in Argentina
“You’re Not Understood, and You’re Isolated”: A Narrative Account of Loneliness by Black Older Adults in Ontario, Canada
A Quantitative Comparison of Patterns of Play and Conflict in Nature Preschool and Traditional Preschool Children in Norway