House Continuing Resolution Would Prevent Deep Cuts in Families Assisted by Low-Income Housing Programs
Social Work Inspection Agency: Multi-Agency Inspection: Thematic Inspection of Services for People with a Learning Disability in Angus, Dumfries and Galloway, East and West Lothian
Optimizing Medicaid Enrollment: Spotlight on Technology – Using Schools and Data Matching to Enroll Kids in Medicaid and CHIP
Social Work Inspection Agency: Thematic Inspection of Services for People with a Learning Disability in Angus, Dumfries and Galloway, East and West Lothian: Accessible Summary
Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2008-09: report on the National Minimum Data Set
Supporting Derek – a new resource for staff working with people who have a learning difficulty and dementia
Nine Lessons About Doing Evaluation Research: Howard Blooms Remarks on Accepting the Peter H. Rossi Award