Simplification of Health and Social Services Enrollment and Eligibility: Lessons for California From Interviews in Four States
Trends in Exposure to Television Food Advertisements Among Children and Adolescents in the United States
2010-11-08 08:00:00.0 – Fast-Food Companies Still Serving Unhealthy Meals, Aggressively Marketing to Children
Occupancy and Revenue Gains from Culture Change in Nursing Homes: A Win-Win Innovation for a New Age of Long-Term Care
Home Office: 2010 drug strategy consultation paper – Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs response
Sprouting Healthy Kids Promotes Local Produce and Healthy Eating Behavior in Austin, Texas, Middle Schools
Social Security Reform: Raising the Retirement Ages Would Have Implications for Older Workers and SSA Disability Rolls
GAO-11-79, Private Pensions: Changes Needed to Better Protect Multiemployer Pension Benefits, October 18, 2010
A Study into the Capacity of Registered Social Landlords and Local Authorities to Build Housing Across Scotland
Commission for Rural Communities: Improving the effectiveness of delivering affordable rural housing – Section 106 agreements – Rural exception sites and Community Land Trusts