Sherpa- An Early Supported Employment Intervention for Individuals With Affective Disorders or Anxiety Disorders
Observation of the efficacy and safety of Sertraline in the treatment of depressive patients comorbid with CHD
Vulnerability markers in the association between cannabis and schizophrenia: a randomised controlled trial of acute cannabinoid administration
YourCall Study:The effectiveness of text messaging to address hazardous drinking behaviours among admitted trauma patients
Randomized-controlled study of the effectiveness of a new psychiatric specialist outpatient service model – the Multidisciplinary Assessment and Psychosocial intervention Program (MAP) vs standard psychiatric out-patient care
Efficacy of a Program for the Management of Depression in Pregnant Women in Primary Care in São Paulo, Brazil
Evaluation of the Freiburg Social Skills Training Program with Focus on Theory of Mind for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (TOMTASS)
Autism Intervention Research Network for Behavioral Health (AIR-B II): Network Activity A: Conduct Research on Evidence-Based Practices
Exploring Dialectical Behaviour Therapy vs Conversational Model in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: A randomised clinical trial
Cluster randomised controlled trial of two Contingency Management schedules targeting treatment attendance or abstinence from street heroin use in people treated for heroin dependence
The effect study of strengthening integrated intervention measures for reducing HIV/STD infective rate of low-grade commercial sex workers
Comparing a behavioural activation treatment for depression in adults with learning disabilities with an attention control
A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) With the Inko RS Device for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Universal parental support program for increasing parental efficacy, children’s mental health and well-being: A randomized controlled trial
A randomised controlled trial of a brief psychological intervention to increase the uptake of colorectal cancer screening in adults aged 50-74 years in Scotland
A randomised controlled trial of internet-based cognitive therapy (iCT) and standard cognitive therapy (CT) for social anxiety disorder
Educational Intervention to Reduce Drug-related Hospitalizations in Elderly Primary Health Care Patients
A Study into Suicide by Prisoners – National Study of Self-Inflicted Death by Prisoners in England and Wales
Multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized phase III study to prove the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Silexan (WS®1265) in patients with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
U@Uni: Using the transition from school to university to promote healthy lifestyle habits in young people
CORE Programme (Crisis team Optimisation and RElapse prevention) Phase 3: Randomised controlled trial of a peerprovided, self-management intervention for people leaving CRT services
The effectiveness of a Brief-ASSIST Linked Brief Intervention (BI) for the treatment of substance abuse among schizophrenic patients
Preventing alcohol misuse in young people: An exploratory trial of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) Programme
Vancouver at home study: housing first plus assertive community treatment versus congregate housing plus supports versus treatment as usual
Development and evaluation of an internet-based psychological support program for parents caring for a child with CF
The efficacy of the Impulsive Lifestyle Counselling as an addition to standard substance abuse treatment