The British Geriatrics Society ‘Joining the Dots’ blueprint recommends delivery of inter-professional education aligned with the Skills for Health Frailty Core Capabilities Framework as part of a system wide frailty strategy. Our ambition is to educate and train the entire health and care system in frailty awareness through the Guildford & Waverley Frailty Academy (GWFA).
The GWFA developed a Frailty Awareness course aligned to Tier 1 Core Capabilities and introduced this as part of a system wide programme of education and workforce development in frailty. The course was embedded in e-learning platforms across Acute, Community, Ambulance services and Local Authorities. A blend of virtual and face to face (FTF) workshops were used in undergraduate University programmes, the Voluntary sector and care sector.
Between April 2023 and July 2024, 2195 people completed Tier 1 training.
- Care sector, voluntary sector, Fire service, trading standards: 147 through 7 virtual workshops
- Undergraduate students at the University of Surrey: 234 (FTF)
- Acute, community, Local Authority, Ambulance service: 1814 people through e-learning
Feedback showed the following:
- 83% said they had good/significant improvement in knowledge after participating in virtual workshops.
- 79% of paramedic students rated their improvement in knowledge and skills as good/significant as a result of attending their session.
- 90% of nursing students rated their improvement in knowledge and skills as good/significant as a result of attending their session.
Qualitative responses showed participants felt more aware of frailty and had a better understanding of how to adapt their practice when encountering older people with frailty.
Tier 1 training is an effective method of raising awareness of frailty across a health and care system when applied as part of a broader system strategy using a variety of mediums for delivery.