This qualitative study focused on the synergistic experience of a group of Deaf1 and hearing participants during a 2-week international study-abroad program to investigate the impact of immersing hearing American Sign Language (ASL) undergraduate majors with culturally Deaf faculty and doctoral students. 20 participants included undergraduate students who were ASL majors, Deaf doctoral students, faculty members, and an interpreter. Data included narratives with the Deaf faculty leader and the hearing ASL interpreter, a content analysis with the hearing undergraduates, and a section focused on the Deaf perspective with a thematic analysis with the Deaf faculty, students, and alumni. 6 themes emerged in the discussion of students’ experiences during the tour in Thailand, including being immersed into the Deaf world, the challenge of not comprehending what was happening, the patience of the Thai people, experiencing cultural differences, receptive skills improving, comprehension increasing, and issues related to scheduling of events. The impact of both international and multicultural influences are discussed. Additionally, recommendations for travel agencies that work with Deaf study-abroad leaders are included.