Autism, Ahead of Print.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant health distress among autistic adults in the United States. While there is considerable evidence that autistic adults’ COVID-19 health distress was related to increases in mental health concerns (e.g. depression, anxiety, and stress), there is a less clear understanding of the possible mechanisms by which this process occurs. Accordingly, our participatory action research team assessed whether psychological flexibility, a strengths-based mechanism from acceptance and commitment therapy, mediated the association between COVID-19-related health distress and mental health concerns (e.g. depression, anxiety, and stress). We found that among 281 autistic adults the positive relationship between COVID-19 health distress and mental health concerns was partially mediated by values progress (a component of psychological flexibility) and values obstruction (a component of psychological inflexibility). Results provide preliminary support that the strengths-based mechanism of psychological flexibility might be a salient therapeutic target to improve mental health among autistic adults experiencing health distress.Lay AbstractWhat is already known?In the United States, the COVID-19 Pandemic caused many autistic adults to be fearful and worried about their health. There is a lot of research that says that when autistic adults experience health distress it can worsen their mental health. We do not know, however, what might explain how experiencing health distress negatively affects mental health. Because of this, our participatory action research team wanted to understand if there are strengths-based processes that help us understand the relationship between health distress and mental health concerns.What does this paper add?We examined among 281 autistic adults how a strengths-based construct from acceptance and commitment therapy called psychological flexibility might explain the relationship between health distress and mental health concerns. We found that for adults that had more values progress, doing the things that mattered to them, was associated with better mental health even while experiencing health distress. We also found that values obstruction, getting stuck on uncomfortable thoughts and feelings and trying to avoid them, explained worse mental health for autistic adults experiencing health distress.Implications for research and practice?The findings of this study provide initial support that psychological flexibility can explain the relationship between health distress and mental health concerns among autistic adults. Interventions that seek to improve psychological flexibility, like acceptance and commitment therapy, might be useful in improving autistic adults’ mental health while they are experiencing health distress.