Early studies conceptualized the “anxious bully” as different from typical bullies due to their anxiety and home problems. Yet, empirical findings are mixed, and no study has reported associations between youth bullying perpetration, youth anxiety, and parent distress in a clinically anxious sample. We assessed 220 youths’ anxiety symptom severity, frequency of the bullying perpetration in the past month, and parent levels of distress. Fifty percent of youths endorsed at least one perpetration act and 17% endorsed six or more. Youth anxiety, but not parent distress, was significantly associated with perpetration. We also found a significant interaction such that youth anxiety was positively associated with bullying perpetration when parent distress was high, but not low. Findings fill a glaring knowledge gap regarding this overlooked group of youth, anxious bullies, and provide novel insights into the interplay between youth distress and parent distress in predicting bullying perpetration.