Rehabilitation Psychology, Vol 69(4), Nov 2024, 326-334; doi:10.1037/rep0000550
Purpose/Objective: This study sought to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of a brief measure of the quality of therapist treatment delivery that would be applicable for use across different types of psychosocial chronic pain treatments: the Therapist Quality Scale (TQS). Research Method/Design: An initial pool of 14 items was adapted from existing measures, with items selected that are relevant across interventions tested in a parent trial comparing an 8-week, group, Zoom-delivered mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and behavioral activation for chronic back pain from which data for this study were obtained. A random selection of 25% of video-recorded sessions from each cohort was coded for therapist quality (two randomly selected sessions per group), with 66 sessions included in the final analyses (n = 33 completed pairs). Items were coded on a 7-point Likert-type scale. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability estimates were generated. Results: EFA showed a single-factor solution that provided a parsimonious explanation of the correlational structure for both sessions. Eight items with factor loadings of ≥ .60 in both sessions were selected to form the TQS. Reliability analyses demonstrated all items contributed to scale reliability, and internal consistency reliabilities were good (αs ≥ .86). Scores for the eight-item TQS from the two sessions were significantly correlated (r = .59, p