Postnatal depressive symptoms mediate the relation between prenatal role overload and responsiveness among first-time mothers
Personalism and boosting organ ResERVOirs: a consideration of euthanasia by removal of vital organs in the Canadian context
Trends in utilisation of palliative care services in COVID-19 patients and their impact on hospital resources in the USA: insights from the national inpatient sample
Support-seeking and active coping mitigate the association between posttrauma symptom severity and attachment insecurity in a community sample of trauma survivors.
Clinical and sociodemographic predictors of inpatient admission after presentation in a psychiatric emergency room: an observational study
Effectiveness of Involuntary Treatment for Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Systematic Review
Comparing the effects of decreasing prescription opioid shipments and the release of an abuse deterrent OxyContin formulation on opioid overdose fatalities in WV: an interrupted time series study
Research as More Than Extraction: Knowledge Production and Gender-Based Violence in African Societies
Coming of age in a pandemic era: The interdependence of life spheres through the lens of social integration of care leavers in Quebec during the COVID‐19 pandemic
When spouses contribute at home: the impact of spouse dependent care on role overload and stress in dual-earner couples
Manager gender and changing attitudes toward schedule control: evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Study
‘Seen’ through Records: Parents’ Access to Children’s Social Care Records in an Age of Increasing Datafication
Experiences of consumers, carers and clinicians during borderline personality disorder presentations to the emergency department—An integrative review
(Un)deserving of work-life balance? A cross country investigation of people’s attitudes towards work-life balance arrangements for parents and childfree employees
Adult social care training for newly-qualified doctors from general medical practice: A pilot project, doctors and social workers learning together
Sexual Orientation, Mental Health Characteristics, and Self-Care in Professional Psychology Training and Employment
A hypothesis test algorithm for determining when weighting individual judgments reliably improves collective accuracy or just adds noise.
Infant massage as a stress management technique for parents of hospitalized extremely preterm infants
‘I’ve started my journey to coping better’: exploring adolescents’ journeys through an internet-based psychodynamic therapy (I-PDT) for depression
From 65 to 103, Older Adults Experience Virtual Reality Differently Depending on Their Age: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Study in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities
Patient- and family-centred care transition interventions for adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs
Pathways to prosocial leadership: an online experiment on the effects of external subsidies and the relative price of giving
An examination of questioning methods and the influence of child maltreatment on paediatric pain assessments: Perspectives of healthcare providers