Archive for October 2022
Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression among women living in the United Arab Emirates
The Insomnia and Loneliness of Elderly Individuals and Affecting Factors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey
The association of food insecurity and cardiometabolic risk factors was independent of body mass index in Iranian women
Classroom compositional effects on low‐ability students’ achievement in China
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination Scale (VAX) in a Spanish sample
The importance of early warning systems in disaster risk reduction
Comparing the psychometric properties of EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L proxy ratings by informal caregivers and a health professional for people with dementia
Quality of Life Among Geriatric Community Members Following the Kaohsiung Gas Explosion: A 5-Year Cross-Sectional Study
Beyond Turmeric and Yoga: Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Considerations Among Asian Indian American Hindus
Subgroups of internet gaming disorder based on addiction‐related resting‐state functional connectivity
Cultural orientations and their influence on social behaviour: Catalysation and suppression
Reducing prejudice by enhancing the other rather than the self
A systematic review of self-concept change in multiple sclerosis
Arlington sees success with “next level” social workers
Coping profiles and differences in well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A latent profile analysis
Distinguishing major depressive disorder from bipolar disorder in remission: A brain structural network analysis
Community–Academic Partnerships: Addressing Health Inequities Through Community-Engaged Service Learning
The importance of informal support and a listening ear: A narrative analysis of emotional conflict and support needs of siblings of children with a psychiatric disorder
Hustling in the creative industries: Narratives and work practices of female filmmakers and fashion designers
Disturbed sleep and its attribution to stress and other causes: A population‐based survey
Love during China’s Cultural Revolution: evidence from a ‘sent-down’ couple’s private letters 1968–1977

Playing to the gallery: investigating the normative explanation of ingroup favoritism by testing the impact of imagined audience
Clinic screening for adverse childhood experiences in people living with HIV to Improve Care Delivery
Prevalence of medical factors related to aging among older car drivers: a multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive study
Positive affect as mediator: The socioemotional selectivity theory applied to the association between bonding social capital and wellbeing in later life
A lifespan psychological perspective on solitude
Giving back and the moral logics of economic relations
A comparison of men and women referred to provincial correctional mental health services in Ontario, Canada
Americans Value U.S. Role as Scientific Leader, but 38% Say Country Is Losing Ground Globally