Farmworkers in US agriculture encounter structural vulnerability. They are economic refugees, fleeing starvation. After risking their lives to cross the border and find work, they continue to be marginalized in society, and constantly fear deportation. Although farmwork is hazardous, it is necessary to be able to support themselves and their families. Research has found that although farmworkers are aware of the health side effects that result from exposure to pesticides, they continue to labor in conventional fields because not working is viewed as a larger risk. This study adds to that literature by asking farmworkers about preference for working in organic or conventional production. Even when organic is an option, farmworkers prefer conventional production when they earn more money in conventional. Because of their extreme economic vulnerability, the possibility of earning less income to work in a safer environment is viewed as undesirable. Rather than changing wage structure to incentivize working in organic agriculture, what is needed, in addition to more political protection for farmworkers, is increased regulation of pesticides. All agricultural workplaces should be made less toxic.