Without much doubt, 2021 turned out to be a tougher year than we were all hoping for, globally and individually. It is therefore all the more timely and appropriate for us ESR editors to express our sincere appreciation of all your voluntary contributions to maintaining the community effort that is making the European Sociological Review a high-quality academic publishing platform for the best in European sociology. With its model of deep peer review, the ESR could not operate without leaning on the shoulders of many scholars in Europe and around the world who are willing to support the journal with their time and insight, yet 2021 has also taught all of us a lesson on the fragility of the usual academic exchange against pandemic strains in everyone’s professional and personal lives. As one single reminder of all the costs the past year has brought, we like to commemorate our colleague David Bills, a most generous scholar and a true friend of the ESR over many years, who passed away far too early on July 15 this year.