Distinctions are commonly made regarding preferences for insertive or receptive anal intercourse within the gay male community.
Three sexual self-labels are typically specified: “top,” meaning a man who prefers the insertive position, “bottom,” meaning
a man who prefers the receptive position, and “versatile,” meaning a man willing to perform either position. The aim of this
study was to examine personality differences among these three groups in gay men in China. We sampled 220 Internet-obtained
Chinese gay men on instrumentality, expressiveness, gender-related interests, self-ascribed masculinity- femininity (Self-MF),
and Big Five personality traits. Significant differences were found among sexual self-label groups in sexual behavior and
in gendered traits and interests. Tops scored higher than the bottoms on instrumentality, gender-related interests, and self-ascribed
masculinity-femininity (Self-MF) and bottoms scored higher than tops on expressiveness. Versatiles’ scores in gender-related
traits were intermediate between that of tops and bottoms. There were no significant differences in Big Five traits among
the three groups. Sexual self-labels appear not only to distinguish sexual behavior patterns but may also suggest gender role
differences among Chinese gay men.
Three sexual self-labels are typically specified: “top,” meaning a man who prefers the insertive position, “bottom,” meaning
a man who prefers the receptive position, and “versatile,” meaning a man willing to perform either position. The aim of this
study was to examine personality differences among these three groups in gay men in China. We sampled 220 Internet-obtained
Chinese gay men on instrumentality, expressiveness, gender-related interests, self-ascribed masculinity- femininity (Self-MF),
and Big Five personality traits. Significant differences were found among sexual self-label groups in sexual behavior and
in gendered traits and interests. Tops scored higher than the bottoms on instrumentality, gender-related interests, and self-ascribed
masculinity-femininity (Self-MF) and bottoms scored higher than tops on expressiveness. Versatiles’ scores in gender-related
traits were intermediate between that of tops and bottoms. There were no significant differences in Big Five traits among
the three groups. Sexual self-labels appear not only to distinguish sexual behavior patterns but may also suggest gender role
differences among Chinese gay men.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-7
- DOI 10.1007/s10508-011-9819-0
- Authors
- Lijun Zheng, Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality (Southwest University), Ministry of Education, Chongqing, 400715 China
- Trevor A. Hart, Department of Psychology, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Yong Zheng, Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality (Southwest University), Ministry of Education, Chongqing, 400715 China
- Journal Archives of Sexual Behavior
- Online ISSN 1573-2800
- Print ISSN 0004-0002