Abstract An unconventional and provocative overview of the mental health culture in the first decade of the new millennium is offered
as a springboard for reflection and widespread conversation. The author identifies five areas of concern. Destructive infighting,
rejection of the medical model, the erosion of talk therapy, financial complications, and the impact of the insurance industry
on mental health are noted for having negative influences on the quality of the services mental health providers rendered.
as a springboard for reflection and widespread conversation. The author identifies five areas of concern. Destructive infighting,
rejection of the medical model, the erosion of talk therapy, financial complications, and the impact of the insurance industry
on mental health are noted for having negative influences on the quality of the services mental health providers rendered.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-8
- DOI 10.1007/s10591-009-9096-4
- Authors
- David Moultrup, 5 Watson Road Belmont MA 02478 USA
- Journal Contemporary Family Therapy
- Online ISSN 1573-3335
- Print ISSN 0892-2764