The National Dementia Strategy includes an objective of improved end of life care for people with dementia. This brief guide outlines some of the priorities for achieving high quality care for dementia sufferers at the end of life. It has been published to support commissioners and providers in delivering improvements in care. Many of the markers and measures are generic and apply across end of life care but there are particular points of consideration for end of life care for people affected by dementia. This document focuses on these dementia specific priorities which, it is suggested, might otherwise be lost among quality markers from across the whole of end of life care. The guide does not offer alternative quality markers or measures but aims to support the implementation of the generic set in a manner that recognises issues arising from dementia. Headings for end of life care quality markers are tabulated and mapped against areas of priority from a dementia perspective and sources of further information. The headings cover; public awareness; strategic planning; identification, communication and care planning; co-ordination of care across organisational boundaries; availability of services; care in the last days of life; care in the days after death; workforce planning; and monitoring.