In recent years, an emerging body of research has examined child care instability and continuity, and the role they play in the lives of low-income children and families. Policymakers are increasingly interested in child care instability and continuity of care as well. This focus is timely, given that the major federal-state child care program the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF, also known as the Child Care and Development Block Grant or CCDBG)is up for reauthorization, thus providing an opportunity to address concerns about child care stability during the forthcoming policy discussion.</p>
<p>This paper is designed to support this emerging interest and inform the forthcoming policy debate. It first looks at what is and is not known about child care stability, then provides a framework to explore the implications of child care instability for children’s development, parental employment, and the often dynamic lives of low-income families. It also discusses the policy implications of these findings, with a particular focus on the CCDF. Finally, it highlights areas where future research is needed.